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April 22, 2013
GOODNIGHT, TEXAS Featured as Weekly Read
William J. Cobb, author of The Bird Saviors, soon to be released in paperback, is featured this week with his earlier work, Goodnight, Texas.
Goodnight, Texas is a lithely told and atmospheric story in which a fishing village on the Gulf Coast loses its bearings as its shrimping industry begins to fail. The town of Goodnight by the Sea lies on a peninsula between two bays, Red Moon and Humosa, and for years its people, many of them immigrants drawn to this ragged edge of America, have struggled to get by. It is a poignant, powerful, comic, surprisingly hopeful story about a love affair within the beauty of a decaying bayside village and about wanting what you cannot have.
William J. Cobb is the author of a book of stories, a novel prior to Goodnight, Texas, and has since gained critical acclaim with his recent work, The Bird Saviors. His short fiction has appeared in The New Yorker and many other magazines. He has received numerous awards, including a National Endowment for the Arts grant, a Dobie-Paisano Fellowship, and the Sandstone Prize. He was raised in Texas and currently lives in Pennsylvania, where he teaches in the writing program at Penn State, and in Colorado.
Posted in: Events, New Features, Our Catalog, | Keywords: goodnight texas, scribd.com, the bird saviors, weekly read, william j. cobb
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