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May 17, 2013
THESE THINGS HAPPEN “Recommended for Consideration” for Stonewall Book Awards
These Things Happen, Richard Kramer’s debut novel, published in October 2012 by Unbridled Books, has been recommended for consideration for the 2014 Stonewall Book Awards.
The Stonewall Book Awards are given to books of exceptional merit relating to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender experience. Three awards are given: the Barbara Gittings Literature Award, the Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award, and the Mike Morgan & Larry Romans Children’s & Young Adult Literature Award. Books eligible for the 2014 awards must be published between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013.
These Things Happen is a not-quite-coming-of-age story about a modern family. Fifteen year old Wesley, a tenth grader, has moved from his mother and stepfather’s home to live with his father and his father’s male partner for a school term so that father and son might have a chance to bond again. The book is also a finalist for the 25th Annual Lambda Literary Awards to be presented later this year. Click Here for details.
The 2014 Stonewall Book Awards will be presented Monday, June 30, 2014 at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Click Here for additional information about the awards
Posted in: New Books, New Features, Our Catalog, News/Press, | Keywords: gay fiction, lambda literary award, richard kramer, stonewall book awards, these things happen
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