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June 10, 2013
Virginia Pye Interviewed by WRIR Radio, Richmond
WRIR, an independent radio station in Richmond, Virginia, with host Liz Humes, has interviewed Virginia Pye, the author of the Unbridled Books May 2013 novel, River of Dust. The book is a story takes place in 1910 in rural China where the toddler son of American Missionaries has been kidnapped by Mongol bandits.
Virginia Pye holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and has taught writing at the University of Pennsylvania and New York University. A three-term president of James River Writers, a literary non-profit in Richmond, Virginia, she writes award-winning short stories that have appeared in numerous literary magazines, including The North American Review, Tampa Review and The Baltimore Review. She currently lives in Richmond.
Richmond Independent Radio (WRIR) is a fresh new voice, on the air since January 1, 2005.. They broadcast music you DON’T hear on the radio dial with LIVE LOCAL DJ’s doing REAL LIVE SHOWS. In addition to locally produced music shows, they offer a wide range of National and Local news programming that covers issues underrepresented by other media.
To listen to the Podcast, click here
Posted in: New Books, New Features, Our Catalog, | Keywords: river of dust, virginia pye, wordy birds, wrir
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