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March 15, 2015
Masha Hamilton Profiled by Ms.Magazine Blog
Ms. Magazine Blog runs a monthly feature called Women’s History Month in which women who have made or change history are profiled. This month, March 2015, Masha Hamilton is featured in an article entitled Masha Hamilton: Amplifying the Voices of Afghan Women written by Elizabeth Titus.
In the article, Ms. Hamilton is lauded for her social activism and founding of the Afghan Women’s Writing Project, a forum for repressed Afghani women to share their hidden stories. Ms. Titus goes on to give a complete description of the effort as well as the heart wrenching motivation for it.
Hamilton dedicated AWWP to Zarmeena, a mother of seven who was executed by the Taliban in Kabul in November 1999, allegedly for killing her husband. When Hamilton saw a smuggled video of the execution that ran on the Associated Press news wire, she was determined to find out more about Zarmeena. Sadly, she could find few details, which made it clear that not only were Afghan women hidden beneath burqas but their stories were also veiled.
In addition to the Afghan Women’s Writing Project, Masha Hamilton is the author of three books published by Unbridled. The Distance Between Us, published in 2005, 31 Hours in 2009, and her most recent work, What Changes Everything released in 2013.
The article can be read in its entirety on the Ms. Magazine Blog website. Click Here.
Posted in: New Features, Our Catalog, News/Press, | Keywords: 31 hours, masha hamilton, ms. magazine blog, the distance between us, what changes everything
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