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May 28, 2013
In an article written by Joshunda Sanders for Kirkus Reviews entitled War, Away From the Front Line, the novel What Changes Everything is examined along with a brief history of its author, Masha Hamilton. In exploring the major themes of the book, Sanders eloquently describes how “strong women” are portrayed throughout the story. Below is an excerpt from the review:
At the heart of “What Changes Everything” is the question of “how conflict and war impact you even when you’re far from the front line,” Hamilton says. “Four of my novels have had war or conflict at the center or the edges.” That includes her debut novel, “Staircase of A Thousand Steps”, which received a starred review from Kirkus.
What Changes Everything, Hamilton’s fifth novel recently released by Unbridled Books, is a story about how Todd Barbery, an American working with a humanitarian organization in modern-day Afghanistan is kidnapped, not long after he has promised his wife, Clarissa, that he will soon return home. The event creates a domino effect of change in Hamilton’s book, as Clarissa struggles in America to keep from reacting with despair to Todd’s kidnapping. While Clarissa awaits her husband’s fate, she finds a kindred and suffering spirit in Danil, a graffiti artist whose brother died in Afghanistan.
Hamilton has two other novels that were published by Unbridled Books, The Distance Between Us (Octover 2005) and 31 Hours (October 2009).
To read the entire article on the Kirkus website, Click Here
Posted in: New Books, New Features, Our Catalog, News/Press, | Keywords: 31 hours, joshunda sanders, kirkus reviews, masha hamilton, the distance between us, what changes everything
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